- May Allah (S.W.T) make your marriage special, the blessings of which are felt for many generations.
- We offer an Islamic Nikaah service for the West Midlands area U.K.
- The service covers :
1) Initial consultation to plan the ceremony.
2) Nikaah contracts and Nikaah certificates.
3) A speech before the Nikaah ceremony.
4) The Nikaah ceremony itself.
5) A Dua.
6) Any advice required before and after the wedding day.
- The Nikaah ceremony can take place at a location you prefer or at our center in Birmingham Small Heath.
- It’s important to note that the Nikaah ceremony doesn’t substitute a civil marriage. According to UK law, both individuals will still be considered single until a civil marriage is completed.
- The price for this service is £300.